Baroque Guitar after Giovanni Tessler, Ancona ca. 1620 - SOLD

A fully bodied vaulted back guitar with a string length of 66cm. German Spruce soundboard, Mediterranean cypress body, ebony and rosewood veneering. Perfect for solo music or continuo.
Price: $3,500 including Kingham case
Six-Course Lute After Magno Dieffopruchar ca. 1550

One of the earliest surviving examples of the classic six-course Sixteenth-Century lute. The 65cm string length works well with a tuning of modern F or F#, Nine ribs of 40-year old figured maple, German spruce soundboard and neck and pegbox of German apple.
Price: $3,500 including Kingham case

Alto Lute After Venetian Models
six-course alto lute available. 54cm String length modeled after late Fifteenth Century models and intarsia artwork in the Ducal Castle in Urbino. Indian Rosewood ribs, European Pear neck, fine German Spruce soundboard. Bright yet resonant sound, well suited for late medieval through renaissance music. Comes with padded bag. Kingham case available at additional cost.
$3,500 Comes with padded bag. Kingham case available at additional cost.
Instruments Available For Sale